terça-feira, 31 de maio de 2011

5 elements to become an attractive man and a challenge for women

 They are different things than normal men do and very helpful in creating attraction:
• Do not submit until she asks for your name.
• Avoid questions backpack as "What kind of man you like?", "I am your type?" Or "I bet you have a boyfriend ..."
• Do not stand next to her.
• Do not give your full attention to it when there are other people around them.
• Create the purpose of inviting you to leave it, or invite her to join some activity that you already have planned.
• Say no or ignore the first calls her. ("Let's have coffee every day?" "I do not know ..."). Do it for fun.
• Make sure she qualifies for you. ("What makes you different from other women? Tell me three things that men like you, and please do not say you're beautiful").
• Do other games that help you lead the conversation and that you make the switch.
3. USE Takeaways
• Make her smile and walk away.
• Talk to someone else while she is with.
• Be unpredictable, put his arm around her, then ignore her and start talking to your friends.
• If she starts talking on the phone, go away or better: take out your phone and say it loud "Yes, I was talking to a woman but she is a little maluqinha ..."
• Tell her she is trying to seduce you.
• Suggest that she take you to dinner if she wants to spend more time with you.
• Stay relaxed and do not bend, nor to hear what she says.
• Most men orient their body language directly to women since the beginning of the conversation. This communicates interest too early, you can even intimidate the woman. Instead of looking to talk to her side and expect it to turn your body to you before you do the same.
• Keep your distance and let them come closer. The more you give away a woman, she feels more comfortable. You can start a conversation to 2 meters away, there needs to be on top of it.
These tips are enough to lure you start learning how to be a challenge.


Today I will talk about something that is very important to win and women that most men will never discover: how to be a challenge for women.
Women like a challenge. Being a challenge is the most powerful thing you can do to differentiate yourself from other men in a bar or anywhere else.

A few years ago a friend told me "Every woman likes a challenge." At the time I thought I could see those words, but I did not understand the importance of the concept.
The reality is that most men to play upon women and act as if they were lucky to have an opportunity to be with them. Most men are "easy" and women know they get a man whenever they want ... and often the man they want.
You can create a big advantage when it gives a challenge to a woman, so you can change things and get it behind you.
It took me long to figure out what to do to become a challenge in the eyes of women. I asked several friends what makes a man a challenge and they said the following:
• He does not respond to phone calls when she is waiting, and not call when he said he would call.
• It is not always available to be with her.
• it is difficult to say whether he likes it or not ... she is always in doubt.
When a man is a challenge you can create GREAT ATTRACTION. It is human nature to want the forbidden fruit and the women are so used to meeting men "easy" that the mere fact of not being "easy" may be enough for her to chase you.
But she has not called me first so I DO NOT answer? In other words, she did not have to like me to care whether I like it or not?
There are some subtle ways to convey to a woman that you're a challenge from the moment he met her. To see this it should be noted that men are indeed a "challenge". It is men who already has a wife, or those who have several wives behind them. What these men do not others do to create attraction in women?


I had fun reading this issue in Cracked.com. Did not make a translation in full (as it is a bit big) but to summarize some of its main ideas:
6. Talk to her
The study, "trying to impress" a woman hinders our cognitive functions. Men who spent a few minutes in the company of attractive women fared worse on tests measuring cognitive functions. Therefore it is difficult in that they hit their little chat in the club ...
5. Show interest
Many practitioners of the art of seduction say the key to win a beautiful woman is not showing much interest right away. The best solution would be to make friends with her friends first and leave the most beautiful last (which kind of makes sense, because not getting the attention it's used, it can end up with this new behaviors to get attention - like pulling matter with you, making you feel a stud!).
In addition, the social networking site OKCupid.com found photos of 7,000 users and found that men who did not look directly at the camera in your pictures received more messages than those who watched.

4. Dance
Not everyone in the club dancing risks, especially after this news: Dr Peter Lovatt compared the dance styles and levels of trust than 14,000 people and concluded that dancing bad signal that you can not very fertile, or a partner inadequate. The way is to train enough to give the impression that too much testosterone!
3. Praising the beauty of them
Did you know that they want to be appreciated personality too? The same site relacionamendos analyzed 500,000 messages and found that words like "cute" (cutie), "beautiful" (beautiful) and sexy diminish the chances of response. Conclusion: try not to look like you just think that.
2. Being Nice Guy
Many guys like to complain that when a girl is too close but can only stay in the friendship. What the good guys already knew was confirmed by this research: they like the miscreants! Traits such as narcissism, impulsivity and risk behavior in people can be harmful in excess or even frowned upon by some, but proved a good evolutionary strategy to spread their genes (and therefore are far from us).
1. Having the wrong name
Seriously: This study of 6,000 people showed that some names are more associated with beauty (Sophie and Ryan), luck (Lucy and Jack) and professional success (Elizabeth and James) than others. Certainly influences our culture and history of life. It would be nice to play someone this research in Brazil. Meanwhile, if you have questions regarding your name, you better get a nickname!
Hoping to win that chick you can also see this post with 9 tips for becoming more attractive, or as a last resort, give drink to her!

9 tips for becoming more attractive

Few people consider themselves satisfied with their appearance, but it's not just the beauty that defines a person - their behaviors also perform this function, which can leave you more (or less) attractive. Here is a list of tips on how to become more attractive, which does not involve having the coolest clothes, the body more or spotted the wallet more full of money:
1. Be truthful.
Many try to pass a fake ID, but they do not always succeed. There is no reason to want to hide their flaws, as nobody is perfect - better than trying to hide them is to exalt its qualities. Accept and enjoy who you are.
2. Talk to goal.
Try to talk about interesting things instead of just "fill time". Abraham Lincoln once said: "It is better to remain silent and let them think you're an idiot than open your mouth and end the doubt."
3. Listen.
Few people really know how to do this. Try listening to people instead of judging them while waiting his turn to speak. Talking to a wall is never cool.
4. Ria.
Although it is possible to exaggerate the laughter, laughter is almost always seen with good looks. Good sense of humor is one of the qualities Tracks on people, nobody likes people upset.
5. Smile.
Combined with laughter, this is one of the best ways to spend a good image. Smiling shows you more open to people around you.
6. Stop complaining.
It may even be that much of their thoughts involving complain. But to hear someone complaining all the time is never legal, there is always a good time or most interesting topics to talk about.
7. Feel attractive.
You will not look like an attractive person if you do not feel that way. Try to be happy with who you are and start doing things that please you - you feel good and therefore will get through this image to others.
8. Be open.
Nobody likes someone closed and inaccessible. Be willing to create authentic relationships with people around you and see the benefits that will arise. Everyone has something good to share.
9. Walk with your head up.
You walk looking down? A small change in your posture when walking a lot will change the way people perceive (and even yourself).


Normally a girl it is disinterested, when a man is interested. give him a little of his confidence, but without overdoing it: "I am a premium, you have to fight to get me ..." or "I'm so good I do not need to call you any." Generally women like a challenge, and when picking a man who sees someone got up to a game of seduction.


Talking to a woman is not the same thing as talking to a man. You should speak in a seductive way. Never talk about family, computer games, school, work, etc ... Oh I've forgotten, nor should you talk about. Keep the mystery for you is crucial to increase the interest of a certain woman in you.


In order to seduce a woman, do not throw head (as previously stated). All women will give you a signal if they are interested in you. So pay attention to the conduct of hot: That hot woman who ignored him and now it continues to speak to you, or who now dresses and behaves quite differently in front of you.


As already indicated its countless times here on the site, women are not to be worshiped. Tell me, never saw a woman being addressed its countless times and all those times to give the "out"? You will have to act totally different, you will ignore or treat this woman as a friend. Do not laugh at your jokes, act as if it did not exist and when she talk to you eye contact. Her head will derail it will all cost want to draw your attention.


Before he can seduce a woman, you will need to have status. Have friends, education, and not be aggressive, since this behavior is not seductive. Still to come is a woman who does not feel compelled to a man that everyone likes.

How to seduce a woman

Seducing a woman is completely different to seduce a man. The women feel impelled by status, confident men with personalities marked or intelligent.

Thus you must have at least one of these features While the physical aspect can be important when it comes to seducing a woman is not the most important. Of course the most handsome men will have better chances when trying to seduce, but that does not exclude by far nowhere near those who were not endowed with a charming face at birth. Read on to learn how to conquer a woman.


- The phase of seduction covers when you're alone with her, until the hour of sex.
- Your most important task at this point, let the woman is comfortable with you, ready to go it alone to his house, for example.
- Normally the process of seduction does not happen on the same day you met the woman. Most times, you will need to make an appointment with a woman, quit a few times, phone, before it feel comfortable to have sex with you.

How to Create emotional connection

- This is where you get to know each other better, "what's your name", "what you do" etc..
- But still will not make your opinion a chat interview. Where responding about your life, try to tell interesting stories related. And likewise, encourage the woman aa telling stories about her life. So INDIRECTLY one knows the other.
- Play it naturally and spontaneously. Make her get used to your touch until you physically climb to the kiss. Women are very sensitive to touch, and it can help even to make her more excited.
- This is where you should kiss, or if you can not kiss, get her phone number.
- Make it look natural, and never seems to be doing all this just to kiss the girl. Make it look like everything happened naturally.


- Once you have been accepted in the group, the attraction should begin immediately.
- Tease your target, give a nickname for her, for example.
- Share some interesting stories about you. If you have humor in the middle, even better.
- Be an interesting guy, but nothing seems too hard.
- At first, you will talk to most of the time. Do not let the group stay silent because you have nothing to say.
- As she shows some signs of interest for you, it's time to qualify it.
- It provides indicators that you're interested in you, you should retrubuí it, show your interest too.
- Qualifying is not to say that she is the most beautiful creature in the world and you want to have sex with her. Moreover avoid making compliments about her physical appearance.
- A good way to describe it is to find characteristics that you admire. If it is a nice girl, always seems to be enjoying themselves, say it to her.

Start a conversation with a woman

- It is near the bar area, where sound will be lower and you get to talk to her. On the dance floor is impossible to talk.
- Do not get drunk.
- When you see a group of friends to look at, makes it look like you just see them, and spontaneously asks something like, "Give me an opinion femina. What do you think of pink shirts for men? ".
- Seems to be genuinely interested in their response.
- Once you hear the answer to your question, you must have a reason to have done. For example, say you need to buy a present for your friend, and blah blah blah.
- Ideally, pulls matter as soon as you see the group do not hesitate trying to think what comes next.
- Never ignore the friends of your target. Without the sympathy of friends, not come very far.

Techniques to seduce a woman

Some parties can kiss a woman in seconds, pulling crude matter with tips. (Of course, only if they were there just for that .. and you have very good looking)
But if you do not want to stay just the kiss, you want something more, these steps will help you to conquer a woman in 15 minutes, if applied correctly.
These powerful tips called "Conquer Algorithm for a Woman," which is exactly what it is. The game has five stages of the conquest, by sex. After arriving in sex, fails to consider achievement and goes on to treat each other as a relationship that can exist in varied formats.
Pull matter, attract, qualify, create connection and seduce. Learn what to do in each of these stages and never rush things! The game should happen in that order, if you want to ensure more consistent results.

Girls love guys who are confident and independent.

 You may not be successful or rich, but confidence and faith in yourself can help you gain the respect of his girl. Girls hate guys who are irresponsible whiners who blame their fate for their failures. So, you have permission to be ugly and without money, while you have your confidence with you. The things that girls look for in individuals subjected to change over a period of time. What teens we seek may not be the same things that an independent woman looking for their life partner. However, the bottom line is that most girls like guys who are decent looking for love, affection and can take care of their own lives

Politeness is another quality of girls would take their potential boyfriends.

 A guy arrogant, disrespectful speech that is a big turn off, despite her killer looks. No matter how educated or independent is your girl, she'll always love it when you open a door for her or pulling a chair for her. A guy who leaves his order their own food and drink and volunteers to pay the bill comes across as a great husband material. Chivalrous guys have a better chance to win a girl over in no time.
Girls seeking Guys in Emotionally

More than physical appearance, is the emotional behavior, which can help you establish a rewarding relationship with your girl. No matter how hard your child tries to convince him that she is an independent woman and can take care of yourself, deep down she likes to be pampered and emotionally dependent on you. A loving and caring boyfriend who listens patiently to all sense babbling does not offer a shoulder to cry when she has a hard day at the office and do not mind getting up ten bags of shopping for her (bonus points if they pay for, well !) is everything a girl could want in her life.

Girls seeking Guys in Physically

I'd be lying if I said looks do not matter when it comes to courting a girl. However, having said that, I do not mean that the average looking guys have no chance to woo a girl. gorgeous looks can only get so far, but there are other things that can really help create a bond with the girl of his dreams. Of course, a nice guy, great is simply irresistible with his inner masculine and 'Greek God features. Girls are impossible to say no to an attractive guy asking them out. More information about what women find attractive in a man.

However, it does not take a certain Robert Pattinson or Gerard Butler to ask a girl on a date. There are many physical attributes that girls find attractive, even in a "guy next door. A beautiful smile that reflects in your eyes can never fail when it comes to namoro.dimples Cute would be an advantage. The soft voice, playful can win the heart of any girl. However, some girls may get attracted to a deep voice and viril.Um good sense of humor and ability to make good conversation are a must.
Men are bad for the understanding of women and even impossible to read subtle signals. Thus, unless we women need our voice, shouting them on the roofs, it is unlikely that we can get our point of view. Women have always intrigued man, in more ways than one. Since ages, men have struggled to read the evil-minded women, but without sucesso.O girls look at guys like a boyfriend, is a question that so often confuses guys. This article can help you understand what are the qualities girls look for in a man while dating.

Phase 1: You can not care much for them, for them to start looking at you.

Phase 2: Then they will have missed the upset, or you. A PROCEEDING will fall for you.

Phase 3: It is not time to date, but just missing. Play with them and they will love more.

Phase 4: Starts out with her.

Stage 5: Finish with her, if she's cute.

Phase 6: After three months asking it to flirt, because she already knows you're not into playing games.

Phase 7: If she does not accept attempts to conquer it with jokes and asks her to go to your house to start being more comfortable or flirt with another.

8 phase: try to give rpimeiro while and kiss her but she speaks with the sos.

The Courtship of A to Z

Bombardment of jealousy
Uses the technique of Julia Ormond in "Legends of Passion": Dedicates him your attention, but not exclusive. Speaks, smiles and looks for (the) other (the) boys (girls). Can you just get his attention (a), you will discover what he (a) feel for you and put it (a)-ace crazy (a) of jealousy. When he (a) already caught (a), can tell you that you have reason to worry, because only he (a) you interessa.Estratégia: not (a) totally ignore, neither be too racy (a) with (the) others (as) could not think like him or you're too blatant (a).

By letter
Shortly after entering the XXI century, when everyone communicates via the Internet, there are still many romantics who need a paper and pen to talk about love. If you want to get writing to your heart, there are certain details you should consider:
Write letters of love is amazing because you can express all your feelings with a thousand different words ... and if, when an end of writing, not like it, you can start again, because the person to whom those words are directed not yet read them. How often do lhe9
would have said that die by his smile, he is the shame of being in your way had you not prevented from doing so ...? however, with one card everything is easier, the only thing required is to write it in a fun and essential to follow these tricks, so he delire when reading. If the words come out of the heart, success is guaranteed.

• It captures his attention on the first line.
Surprise you!
Awake him
curiosity for him to continue to read: "My heart has a secret that every day is longer and I think I can hide it much longer."

• What is your best ally sense of humor.
He has to realize that you are a fun person, positive, and you have everything under control. Are you declare your love, but in no time you should look ridiculous: "I did research in class and I am sorry, but you only have one (a) admirer (a) '.

• It is proposed to meet him directly.
In love and war ... anything goes!: 'If
want, we can find us on Friday
Friday classes at the end of the garden bench
to talk about it. "

• Finish the letter with the same tone of fun.
Should he show to his friends, for being so tanned alucinarão. 'Anyway, now I say! You can accuse me of everything but can not. "

• Say goodbye to you writing your name.
It shows you that you're not afraid and that you have confidence in yourself / a. .. And good luck!

By Phone
There are some details you should take into account when
use this method:
• If you want to disguise your voice, put a handkerchief
the mouthpiece of the phone, or slap his nose. You can also speak with a pencil in his mouth (but do not use all these tricks at the same time, because your voice would be completely transparent);
• Do not hide your identity for a long
time, because you run the risk of boring the person
you're trying to win;

2.3.2-The "yes"
Before we tell you you should think very carefully because it can be a fatal decision and take you to the greatest misfortune of your life. If you're the one waiting for an answer, be understanding and not insist if the answer is no.

2.3.3-Problem ...
We hope that your love story to stop before reaching this stage and it remains so forever. But if by chance this stage, follow the following tips:
• Try to put yourself in their place and be a little
more patient and understanding;
• Do not be too jealous (a);
• Do not (a) t make you stay instead of
staying with friends, remember that they
are also very important to him (a).

2.4 - Betrayal
2.4.1 - Is the bull "horns" and "hows"
Of course you should not be you to decorate the head of your loved one, but if by chance you do, and you're sorry (a), do not hesitate to ask for forgiveness, let your pride aside, but do not expect a response positive right the first time. If you're the one to receive them, think carefully before any decision tomares.

2.4.2 - Revenge or cut?
We advise not to revenge, because you'll be condescending
thee to the level of your partner.

• Court:
If you have the absolute certainty that the only solutions are cutting or revenge, we advise the court.

2.4.3 - I did silly!
If you repent of having given the cut, you can try a reconciliation, but We warned you already that the chances of that happening are remote, since the other person will become (in principle ...) hurt by your act.
But do not despair, because after all, is evidence that the former are always a weak one another ...


2.5.1-A fateful decision
When you are sure that the separation is best for you, do not hesitate, not even fool yourself seeking solutions impossible, because you can not get stuck forever in a love story, even if it was a love story.

If, after being permanently separated, miss him and want to go back, we recommend that you try to forget it, because a relationship that has hardly could go wrong in the second inning, however this is just our advice, the final decision is that you You must to be taken. When you give that account no longer feel anything for your ex, you can open the doors of your heart and "leave for another."

Engage as a chick in 9 steps

Yes 9 ... 10 not say it because in addition to be very hit this new formula is vastly reduced in steps, just nine steps, and we won the chick!
much simpler
What do you think ... !

1 - Flowers ... it was formerly, today we offer a high-end mobile phone and soon won the chick

2 - Bring to a fancy restaurant .....
maissss that hit and outdated, Fast food restaurants and walking okay, and cheap is more practical!

3 - lead to the movies
uiii that trick the little arm over my shoulder no longer get ... Now it's style disco and bring it drunk

4 - Paying the bills
desactualizadissimo it works? yes? then XIMP note!

5-1 th meeting is just the 1st kiss?
but of course you do!! after so much work we want to reward a

6 - Own Car
Do not have a car? nothing easier, take some planfletos Purchase # 1 car and soon filled voilla debts and walk to public transportation without paying desbumdar

7 - Tantra with Ex boyfriends
um .... it barely begins with stories of old boyfriends, a solution pair of good slap to calm the situation and then filled kisses to tame ...

8 - Clothes ...
Never go shopping with her ... hmm maybe not
Insisstimos emir shopping, why? now because apart from the dress to our taste ... obviously she is who pays! clothes for her, tell her, like our clothes

9 - epah ... .. not more so seeing tou

And here's some ideas to achieve our dream of chicks =)

Tips to attract and win a great love 2

6 Think positive
Negative thinking never leads to positive action. Change your thinking and change your luck. Try to stop complaining and you will notice a big difference to your back. If you believe in yourself and bet on their potential, in its rarity and its ability to do otherwise, will certainly increase your magnetism and attract and engage people before they even realize it.
7 Do not be indiscreet
Take it easy, because most women - and, oddly enough, men too - are still frightened by the rush sweeping and startling at first. It is true that breaks the ice and touch down a bridge between people. But remember that discretion is a scarce and highly valued attribute.
8 Take care
There's even a short time, this would be a tip for women, but times have changed and women prefer men who are also carers. For women, I believe that when a woman does not care, it is as if she abandoned her role as muse, the goddess of love. Instead, when it strives to highlight its strengths and if care is a sign that has self-esteem, which whets the curiosity and interest of another.
9 of Praise
Learn to see what anyone can see and realize that nobody notices. Praise, praise it transforms the heart. We all like to be praised and recognized for our qualities and our positive attitudes. The accolades are incentives for new pleasantries and whet the desire to do better, to do well. Always praise, all day, even if certain attitudes are absolutely commonplace.
10 º Accept "no" answer
Always remember the obvious mathematical: statistics, the answer does not occupy 50% of the possibilities. Know that after every no you get from life, you become more experienced and better! Try to reflect on what led him to not get this. The secret is being aware that his advances become more convenient and therefore irresistible. Always remember one important rule: be true, just say what's really feeling. Do not kid yourself, do not make promises you are not willing to meet just to get what you want at that moment. Respect and preserve the other, because each of us is half of one and you certainly would like your half was preserved until you met, is not it?

Tips to attract and win a great love 1

1 Make your own luck
There are more chances of you winning the lottery than a great love knocking at her door. So, get to do, have new interests and stay indoors. Accept invitations from friends. Know that the "princes" or "princesses" may be where and when we least expect it, anywhere, no matter how bizarre it may seem. So be receptive and always be, above all, yourself.

2 Smile
A smile opens doors in the minds and hearts of people. Whether or not a model of beauty dictated by the media, you have the core elements of victory: the eyes and smile. The smile is one of the most favorable when it is either attract a person. A survey conducted at the University of California showed that people who laugh more have more employment opportunities are more successful and performed and relate more frequently and with greater success than people and dour expression of discontent.
3 Look into the eyes
Do not be afraid to make eye contact, especially in the person to whom you want to attract and enchant. The eyes are, as the poets say, the window of the soul. I would venture to say that they are the door! If you really want to know a person, the entrance door are her eyes. All our feelings are printed on the look. It is through him that we express our world.
4 Relax and release your body
It is quite common - even an unconscious attitude - the "defend" a person we just met, as much as it interests us. Do not be shy to express themselves with gestures, smiles and, above all, spontaneity. Try to be as natural as possible, thus allowing it to your thinking and your thoughts will flow more naturally.
5 Listen to what others have to say
Your job, your car, your family and selfishness are not aphrodisiacs. Try to maintain a balanced dialogue, knowing how to talk and mainly listen. Nothing discourages a person more than to have the impression he left with a "rattle". The good old adage reminds us: "We have two ears and one mouth." It's like saying that our ability to hear should be two times greater than our ability to speak, although it is also important to talk!

Love Phrases 3

• "There is no paradise that can compare to the love between two people."
• "Love is not mere feeling or emotion. He is lucid and passionate responses from the person before a value that is revealed in the way of perfection. "
• "To love and be loved is to get the body warmed by the sun on all sides at once."
• "If I truly love a person, all other love, the world, life. If I am able to tell someone, 'I love you', also know to say 'I love you in all others and the world, I love you too myself. "
• "The souls are on the lips of lovers."
• "We find rest with those who love them, and arrange a resting place for those who love us."
• "The happier days are not completely lost. In fact, they become more wonderful within the heart that knows to save them. "
• "Nobody has yet measured, even poets, how much a heart can hold."
• "When they close their eyes to kiss, is because they opened up for love."
• "When you loved me, I gave the sun and stars to play with them. I gave you eternity in a moment, the strength of the mountains in a single embrace, and all the power of the oceans to a single impulse of his soul. "
• "I keep asking you things that only your heart can respond."
• "If you think there is anyone in the world. Be sure to be the world to someone, if you stay with me. "

Love Phrases 2

• I wish you the half of all the happiness in the world, because my other half now for having known you.
• That the whisper of the wind takes you a kiss and eternal, and leave me your thoughts so that the distance does not erase you in my life.
• The love I feel for you is like the sound of a tear, no one can see, not hear, only feel.
• If love was a crime and the kiss was a sin, heaven and hell would be empty crowded.
• Look into my eyes and see the brilliance that they have, hear the screaming voice of my soul that I am nobody without you.
• If I had to choose between you and smile, I would choose you because without you it would not be able to smile!
• If every time I think about you erase a star from heaven, maybe this immense sky no star shone.
• Love is like a drop of mercury, one must keep an open hand to restrain him. If we close, she escapes.
• Love is the only war that both sides win!
• Sometimes God puts people wrong in our lives, so that when we find the right person we know to value it.
• The passions are like the gales that swell the sails of the ship. Sometimes the sink, but without them you can not navigate.
• "All feeling tired and give up, but love. No feeling is so stubborn! "
• "When we fall in love, we have found the other half of us, half of which we needed to become complete."
• "In the world there is a multitude of love that never found expression."
• "There is no surprise more magical than to discover that they are loved."
• "When you're in love, a rock turns into sand."
• "When you love someone, it is that we care, so even if we refuse to close our eyes to his faults and mistakes."

Love Phrases 1

Words of love, dating tips, how to win the love of your life, fast seduction, here are the phrases that we receive and publish
• Love is not to seize the other to complete itself, but give the other to complete it.
• The kiss is a clever procedure used to interrupt each other's speech when words become superfluous.
• Never say you forgot one great love, just tell him he can speak without crying.
• That our love is not like the dry leaves that fall at any moment, but that is like the flowers that are new every morning!
• A kiss may not be sanitary, but it is way more fun to catch a germ!
• The biggest mistake of mankind is trying to take the head than from the heart.
• Love letters are written not to give news, not to say anything, but so that separate hands from touching each other when they played the same sheet of paper.
• We all need someone who needs us ...
• Give me your hand, and I do not mind the distance to be traveled.
• Love does not stand still as a stone, it needs to be made, like bread, remade all the time, renewed.
• Treasure above all the love you receive. He will continue to exist after their gold and their health are over.
• Sometimes we lose people we love most, for not having the courage to say what we really feel
• First I met after a friendship was born and today I found that really love you!
• The tone of your voice attracts my hearing, touch our lips discovered a passion!
• It is preferable to the silence of the pains of homesickness and loneliness kept aged, painless to the streak of nothing.
• Love is a delicate flower, but you have the courage to go pick it on the edge of a cliff.


There is a difference between what a woman thinks a man wants and what his natural instincts force them to look for. This works at a subconscious level and most of them never even get it. The mind of a woman has many more variables and is MUCH more complex than men's. There is a personality trait or that varies from woman to woman, is somehow linked to their biological instincts.
Women do not feel by what they see, they see what you feel.
And that's a key distinction ... but too big!
When you see a beautiful woman with a generous cleavage or a microsaia parading around his male instincts make it almost impossible not to look. They know this and often use our instincts as a resource to seduce us. You can also do the same: use their feminine instincts to bring them to you. This will work for you just like the neck, the miniskirt and many other devices work for them.

segunda-feira, 30 de maio de 2011


Try to be updated with the world, read on various subjects, whether a person connected in the events, but need not be a teacher at all, and always show a humorous person, whom we worship is humorous, smile!
Basically anyone likes being treated well, and appreciated. So try to be attentive, make every effort and pay attention to everything your chosen say. Look directly at her when she is talking, make sure you watch your hands, your face, your eyes, your mouth, not in excess of intimacy
Signs commonly used by women when they want to be conquered:
Look throughout the whole environment
looking for someone to put more than three seconds.
Smile, showing teeth or not.
Dancing alone.
Throw your head back, usually when she smiles.
Straighten the hair or pass baton
Seated incline the trunk toward the partner.
She returns a smile.

First approach: What to talk on the first date?

The ideal subject for a conversation the two can vary greatly, to start a casual dialogue, try to talk about various topics, movies, music, arts, sports,
etc.Mostre be interested to know what she likes, but not too much to deepen their intimacy, the very first encontro.Fique will try and talk about various subjects in a brief and mild.
Avoid questionnaires, such as: where you live? How old do you have? Where do you work? This is boring!
Seek to know these things of course, be much more interesting for both.
There are several issues you should avoid to not become a nuisance: cars (women do not understand any of it!), Ex-girlfriends (what happened, happened!), Problems of any kind (must be reserved for one more friend neighbor who always hears you !!!).

Pre approach:

Getting to the presence of a woman, knowing this will not work, is one of the worst defects, always think positive, delete from your vocabulary: maybe, no, no, never, would, maybe, etc.. Also avoid seem pretentious, the sort? Already won!? Woman hates men so close to showing her confidence, but be careful not to seem arrogant.
If you happen to be interested in a woman somewhere (for all the heavens, flirt with a woman at a time, ever, EVER said I look with interest to other women, nothing can be more horrible for a woman to be a more the crowd, right?), having chosen the lucky one, let her know it, stay in a strategic place where she can examine it, that's it, examines it, she will examine their ways, before allowing a closer, will probably ask a friend what she thinks and everything else, try to be natural. Do not look at it constantly at first, but smiled slightly when looking. Do not be discouraged if she seems uninterested, this may just be a female strategy, not to seem too easy. Be persistent, make her feel special among others. Is poised to realize the ideal time to approach, but do not let it wait too long.
Come closer, in the simplest way possible and with a nice smile:
- Hello, I know it? My name is .... and yours?
Invite her for coffee or a drink, do realize that you can talk to, who can know it, without feeling pressured to something else. It may happen that at first glance she does not care about you, but the conversation and the right attitude, everything changes!
Do not be rushed.

Choose a woman should not be a problem, right?

- Sure it's a problem, women are difficult or even impossible!
- Any woman can! Any woman is affordable! Any woman can be conquered! There's really not difficult woman, but unsuccessful men!
Can you believe that these statements are all true, tested and confirmed over the years since the world began. And I like women, I sign below. Women ... beautiful, ugly, fat, thin, high, low, blonde, brunette, mulatto, whatever you do, all want to be loved and won, and why not you!

Who said women are hard to understand? We understand very well!

Following this little manual from scratch, created by a woman, your life will change completely and so much better, of course, here you will learn how to win, definitely the woman of his dreams.
You will become a special person with secret knowledge, science of small feminine details that only the great conquerors have.
Personal Care:
Before entering industry achievement, let us remember that any human being, whether man or woman, is the first component of attraction, vision.
You need not be a Tom Cruise, to succeed with women, actually, deep down, every woman knows how a man can be a pretty big problem in your life. However, it is necessary that the man known to dress, behave, have manners, be hygienic, etc ...
Go to front of the mirror and notice a long, clinging to details (women are fussy!), You realize in what can be improved in its layout, a new haircut, a shampoo or shaving lotion perfumed, a style shirt more modern, a skin treatment or tooth, a more upright posture, so ... often just a small detail and ready, is a new man, but if necessary, get help from an acquaintance or a coworker, but beware ... look for someone honest now, unbiased in their opinion (ask for your help mother is a big mistake! For it you will forever be perfect ... hehe).

Personal Care:

Before entering industry achievement, let us remember that any human being, whether man or woman, is the first component of attraction, vision.
You need not be a Tom Cruise, to succeed with women, actually, deep down, every woman knows how a man can be a pretty big problem in your life. However, it is necessary that the man known to dress, behave, have manners, be hygienic, etc ...
Go to front of the mirror and notice a long, clinging to details (women are fussy!), You realize in what can be improved in its layout, a new haircut, a shampoo or shaving lotion perfumed, a style shirt more modern, a skin treatment or tooth, a more upright posture, so ... often just a small detail and ready, is a new man, but if necessary, get help from an acquaintance or a coworker, but beware ... look for someone honest now, unbiased in their opinion (ask for your help mother is a big mistake! For it you will forever be perfect ... hehe).

Warning: Do not forget to praise sincerely.

This is the beginning and end of the process of winning him praise.

However, all the praise you need to be and appear sincere. If you can not find a real quality that should be praised, that person probably does not deserve to be conquered.

Be very aware of this peculiarity of the art of flirting techniques, because if the person realize that your praise is empty and only based on demagoguery, will be tough and unlikely to trust you.

Good luck. You can win a person who gives you lots of happiness.

10 - Do not take yourself too seriously

Want to win? Then learn to make autogozação, playing with his own faults and laugh at the gaffes. All without exaggeration, of course. You will become a much more friendly and everyone will be happy to be in your company.

9 - Be humorous

Have good humor, but do not be clowning. Much less fall into vulgarity. If you avoid the puns coarse and learn to harness the information and the very circumstance to make them funny, always have someone wanting to stay by your side to talk.

8 - Tell stories

Almost all people like to hear an interesting story is short on occasion. Feel? From time to time, nothing to become a storyteller-no one can stand a person who does not put the final point in time. No matter how good the story, it is long, resist, do not count.

The best laboratory for testing their stories and banter is at home or with friends. Be aware that even if they work with, make sure the person you want to win will be even worse.

7 - Learn to listen

I insist. Pay attention to what the other person is speaking and ask questions that demonstrate your intelligence and underscore his presence of mind. But his who, Polito? Mine or hers? Of the two.

The process of gaining a man or a woman includes a concern for what the person says. If she has the desire to tell a story of her life for you, can be an excellent sign that starts to get interested. So do not go spoiling this moment opening his mouth out of turn.

6 - Moderate your language

Who talks too much at risk of becoming an insufferable bore. If the other person is talking, stay in and do not interrupt her. Let us accomplish what we are saying and limit yourself to ask questions that encourage talking and showing his interest as it develops.

If, for example, the subject is travel, do your best to tell only one detail of your trip more interesting and give chance to speak as she was hers. You can be sure that just makes the conversation more engaging and stimulating.

5 - Stay tuned

A good conversation is key. No talk of quality, the achievement can not give loving care. Therefore, you must have something to talk about. And a well-assorted stock not to slip with that mantra and that will always returns the same point.

Keep up to date with the news, read newspapers, magazines, good books, news on the Internet and listen to radio programming. Give preference to issues related to cinema, music, literature and tourism, as are the themes that appeal.

Although an intellectual conversation may be quite appropriate for some men and women, with few exceptions, the moment of victory is not always the most appropriate for this talk blistered. Let Socrates and Etruscan art to the next opportunity.

Be handy for dancing also helps. If not, sign up as soon as possible in an intensive course in dance and put the waist to booty shaking. Not to mention that these courses will have a good chance to train his advances.

Will not help, however, be armed with this arsenal is not all take the initiative to talk. Fill the chest and has a bit of daring.

Approach the conversation naturally, without demonstrating that it is preparing to strike. Amid talk of settling things go. Plus, if they get tough, you quit or give another simple way to talk.