terça-feira, 31 de maio de 2011

5 elements to become an attractive man and a challenge for women

 They are different things than normal men do and very helpful in creating attraction:
• Do not submit until she asks for your name.
• Avoid questions backpack as "What kind of man you like?", "I am your type?" Or "I bet you have a boyfriend ..."
• Do not stand next to her.
• Do not give your full attention to it when there are other people around them.
• Create the purpose of inviting you to leave it, or invite her to join some activity that you already have planned.
• Say no or ignore the first calls her. ("Let's have coffee every day?" "I do not know ..."). Do it for fun.
• Make sure she qualifies for you. ("What makes you different from other women? Tell me three things that men like you, and please do not say you're beautiful").
• Do other games that help you lead the conversation and that you make the switch.
3. USE Takeaways
• Make her smile and walk away.
• Talk to someone else while she is with.
• Be unpredictable, put his arm around her, then ignore her and start talking to your friends.
• If she starts talking on the phone, go away or better: take out your phone and say it loud "Yes, I was talking to a woman but she is a little maluqinha ..."
• Tell her she is trying to seduce you.
• Suggest that she take you to dinner if she wants to spend more time with you.
• Stay relaxed and do not bend, nor to hear what she says.
• Most men orient their body language directly to women since the beginning of the conversation. This communicates interest too early, you can even intimidate the woman. Instead of looking to talk to her side and expect it to turn your body to you before you do the same.
• Keep your distance and let them come closer. The more you give away a woman, she feels more comfortable. You can start a conversation to 2 meters away, there needs to be on top of it.
These tips are enough to lure you start learning how to be a challenge.

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